Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November-Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break We are so proud of all of the third graders who have stepped up and learned their multiplication facts. We hope that students will continue to practice while they are eating leftover turkey. Keep reading. The third graders have taken the challenge to read 25 minutes five or more days a week. We are going to see which class reads the most during November. Math We have moved on to division and will be working on our math fact families of multiplication and division until Christmas. Reading We hope students are asking questions as they read at home. We are working on Author's meaning, inference and compare & contrast. Great Brain Reports The focus for November and December is Different Cultures and Customs Around the World. Students may due a report on any country/culture they know about or want to learn about and what the country does during the holiday season. Talk to your child's teacher to set up a time for your child to present their report. Winter Reminder Please have your student bring to school their coats, hats, and gloves. We do go outside on good days even if it might be cold. Please put their name on their personal items so if they are lost we can find them. IF you child has lost their coat or other belongings please check our lost and found bin. Just ask at the office where it is located. Please call the school if your child is home ill or you are planning a trip that will take them out of school. Thank you for all your support this year. We teachers could not do it with out you. We are so enjoying working with your students. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday. School will start again on November 26. Christmas break will start on December 21 at noon. Cherry Creek Elementary Third Grade Teachers

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday October 16, 2012 I think the witches have put a spell on the teachers and students at Cherry Creek. The first two weeks of school have already disappeared. The days are getting really busy and pretty soon the days will seem shorter. Thank you for coming to your student’s SEP conference. We all enjoyed meeting with you and your child to set goals that we want to work on this year. It is hard to believe that the end of the term will be on October 26th. Here is what the students in third grade are working on this month. Language Arts: We have started guided reading groups in our classes. Students will be reading chapter books in class and learning new reading skills to help them with comprehension, author’s meaning and inference. We have started our second series of stories in the new Journeys program. This program combines reading, writing, grammar skills and new vocabulary words. The stories are great with lots of connections to poetry and traditional tales. Vocabulary words have been sent home each week for students to work on. \ Spelling words have also been sent home by individual teachers. Math: We have started our unit on multiplication. Students should be able to tell you what an aray is and draw a picture of a multiplication problem. Students are now working on memorizing their multiplication facts. They have learned the X’s tables for 0, 1,2,3,4,and 5. They will be working on all of them before Christmas. Students who memorize all of their multiplication facts 1-12 will be invited to join us in a celebration of numbers in May. So keep your student working and practicing their facts. (division will start in November) Great Brain Reports In October will be on the Body. How the body works, body parts, how to exercise, how to stay healthy and anything else that students can think of the tells about the body. Talk to your students teacher to find out when they will be presenting their reports in their individual classes. Halloween – Yes we will be having a Halloween Carnival at Cherry Creek. Students will be able to wear their costumes to school that day. Please remind your student as they decide what they want to be for Halloween, that we still have to have “regular” class work in the morning. They need to choose a costume that they can sit in and work at their desks. Remember District Policy states no masks, weapons, swords or objects that are representing negative actions from students. The costume parade begins right after lunch at 12:40. Please come and watch your cute kids show off their costumes. The carnival for 3-6 grades will be from 1:00p.m. -1:40p.m. Grades K-2 is from 1:45-2:25p.m. Wednesday is still early out day. Pop Bottle Contest Students are being asked to enter the Pop Bottle Contest. Dress up an unopened 2 liter pop bottle in your most creative costume. Bring it to school from Oct. 29th -31st and show off your creativity! Prizes will be awarded in several categories like most scary, fancy, original and school spirit. **The pop bottles will then be used for the pop bottle walk at the carnival. Thank you for all of your support. We are having so much fun this year with your student. Thank you for sharing your child with us. Have a safe month and remember you can contact your child’s teacher with any questions. Nancy.taylo@nebo.edu Brooke.Alderks@nebo.edu Erica.Boyer@nebo.edu Shea.Wimmer@nebo.edu

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Week of September 24-28

Time is flying before our eyes.  We are almost in the middle of our first term!

October 3rd: Parent Teacher Conferences (SEP)'s will be on Wednesday, October 3rd. We are sending notes home tomorrow to inform you of the time you signed up for. We look forward to telling you about the progress your children are making:)

Language Arts:  We are starting a new reading unit next week and look forward to reading some more great stories and learning new reading skills.  (We also are starting guided reading groups in the upcoming weeks).

Math: We will start learning multiplication this upcoming week.  The kids have been eager to learn.

Great Brain Reports:  We have had some amazing Great Rain Reports about spiders and insects.  These children know how to work hard.

Thank you for all of your support.  Don't hesitate to email us or contact us with any questions.


Monday, September 17, 2012

Week September 17-21, 2012

Announcements for 3rd Grade:
1. We love our classes!  We have the best third graders!
2. Picture day is tomorrow: September 18th.
3. Talk Like a Pirate Day is Wednesday, September 19th. (We have some fun activities planned...so be excited matey's!
4. The Brain Club Projects are due within the next few weeks (It can be on Spiders/Bugs)
5.  Let's have a fantastic week!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Welcome to 3rd Grade! We are so excited for a new year! We will be working hard and having a lot of fun this year.

• Reminder: We are blessed to have lockers. Please do not bring stickers, valuables, or locks for the lockers.
• Back to School Night: Thursday, August 23rd from 6-7:30p.m: Come meet the teachers and learn the class procedures. We look forward to seeing you there!

 -Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Wimmer, Mrs. Alderks, and Mrs. Boyer

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 30, 2012

January is almost gone, and February is on its way in.

Check your January Reading Calendar, Mark you minutes you have read and don't forget to fill in the back side for homework you have done. Please turn them in by Friday.
Monday January 30 we will be a part of the Art Experience at Cherry Creek. We are lucky to be able to have Mary Wells come and teach each of the 2nd and 3rd grade classes new ways of making a book. Thank you Second Grade for sharing with us.
Ground Hog Day is February 2 We will be making predictions on whether or not the Ground Hog will see his shadow. What do you think?
Februaary 14 is Valentines Day There will be Valentine parties in each class. Individual teachers will let you know more details.
We are still working on memorizing out multiplication facts. Please continue to help your child memorize them. In class we are now working on measurements. Capacity, length, in both standard and metric.

We are starting a new month. Students should be reading 30 or more minutes 5 or more days a week. Please have your child read 10 of those minutes outloud to help them with fluency.

Field Trip
We are working on our annual field trip to the Clark Planetarium at the end of the month. More information will be coming later in the month.

Friday, January 20, 2012

January 2012

Welcome back to school after a great holiday.
SEP conferences were held on January 12th. If you did not get to visit with your child's teacher, please call and make an appointment. We would love to visit with you.

This month students are working on Great Brain Reports about the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. Check with your students teacher to see when they are going
to start giving reports in their own class.

February's Great Brain Reports will be about Famous People we know or want to know more about. Students are doing a great job on sharing their information with the class. We are learning a lot of new facts in the Great Brain Reports.

The week of January 23-27 will be the Penny War. This is a war to bring in all the extra change you have at home and see which class can collect the most money to help others. The money will all be donated to a charity that the student council has chosen.

Start thinking about the talent show. It will be held in April. Students will perform before their own grades and voting will take place in each grade. Winners will perform before the whole school. Start practicing and getting ready. More information will be sent home in March.

Parents if your student has lost their coat is is probably at school. Check our lost and found. Most of the items don't have labels on them.

Have a great month- what is left of it. Enjoy not having to shovel snow so far this year.